
Wednesday, May 14, 2014



*It is the practice that Ragam Mayamalava Gowla has been chosen for the initial Swaravali Exercises by all in Carnatic Music.

*The Swaras taken by this Ragam are, Shadjam, Sudda Rishabam, Anthara Gandaram, Sudda Madyamam, Panchamam, Sudda Daivatham, Kakali Nishadam, Shadjam [ Tara Sthayai]

*The learning of the Swara Exercise in this Ragam will be easier by vidyarthis as there are four sets of Swaras of two each ,which sound in adjacent  Swarasthanas. In other words, Shadja and Sudda Rishaba are adjacent Swaras. Anthara Gandara and Sudda Madyama are adjacent Swaras, Panchama and Sudda Daivatha are adjacent Swaras, Kakali Nishada and Tarasthayi Shadja are adjacent Swaras.

* Mayamalavagowla Ragam is a Sampoorna Ragam or Mela Kartha ragam { No 15} . There are no  Swaras with dual names.  This Raga is found to be suitable for applying Jandai Prayogas, Duritha Kala Prayogas, Chowka Kala Prayogas, and Dhattu Prayogas. It is possible to learn the difference between the Achala Swaras and Kampitha Swaras at the initial stage of Music Training. Hence our Poorvacharyas have  recommended this Raga for  basic Carnatic Music training.

*Poorvanga and Utharanga of Arohana and Avarohana are symmetrical from the physical position of Swaras and also on Raga Bhava point of view and hence called ‘ perfectly symmetrical tetra chords’.

* There are only semi tonal difference exists between the two notes of each of four pairs.

* Mayamalava gowla Raga evokes Bhakthi Rasa and Karuna Rasam.

* There are about 16 to 18 exercises being taught  as  the initial practical exercises and their format being recognized by all. All these exercises contain Swara pattern that are found similar in popular Kritis in this Raga. In other words, these exercises are found to be sancharies  either in full or part of certain Avartha  found in these  Kritis.
 Some of the popular kritis are,
Meru samana  of Sri Thyaga Raja Swami
Thulasi Dala of Sri Thyagaraja Swami
Vidulaku  of Sri Thyaraja Swami
Sri Naadadhi  of Sri Muthuswami Dikshthar
Mayadeetha Swarupini of Ponnaiya
Deva Deva of Swath Thirunal Maharaja
Aadikondar of Muththuthandavar

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