
Tuesday, June 17, 2014



All music students are to study in Abyasa Gaana lessons ,the important chapter  called “Alankarams”. Alankaram deals with Swara Exercises along with Thalam. This is called Saptha Thala Alankara.

These are taught in the following order.
1 Chaturasra Jaathi Druva Thalam of  14 Aksharas or counts per Avartha
2 Chaturasra Jaathi Matya Thalam of 10 Aksharas or Counts per Avartha
3 Chaturasra Jaathi Rupaka Thalam of 6 Aksharas or Counts per Avartha
4 Misra Jaathi Jampai Thalam of 10 Aksharas or Counts per Avartha
5 Trisra Jaathi  Thriputa Thaalam of 7 Aksharas or Counts per Avartha
6 Khanda Jaathi Ata Thalam of 14 Aksharas or Counts per Avartha
7 Chaturasra Jaathi Eka Thalam 0f 4 Aksharas or Counts per Avartha

At the initial observation one notices that the order chosen seem to be not following any pattern with respect to Aksharas.[ The number of Aksharas is the number of counts each Aavartha or one cycle of  Thala is takes].

There seem to be a random selection from the list of 35 Alankaras.

On going through the Famous Navagraha Krithis of Muthuswami Dikshithar composed in praise of Navagrahas where the order of Thalas matches with that of the Alakaras taught.

The details of Navagraha Kritis , Navagraha on whom the Kriti has been  composed and its Raaga and Thaalam are given below.

1 Soorya Moorthe….. on Surya…. Raagam Sowrashtram….. Thalam CHATURASRA JAATHI DRUVA THALAM

2 Chandram Bhaja… on Chandran…. Raagam Asaaveri… Thalam CHATURASRA JAATHI MATYA THALAM

3 Angaarakamaasrayamyaham…..on Angarakan [Chevvai]…  Raagam  Surati… Thalam   CHATURASRA  JAATHI RUPAKA THALAM

4 Bhudamaasrayami…..on Bhuda……Raagam  Natakuranji….. Thalam   MISRA JAATHI JAMPAI THALAM.

5 Bruhaspathe…… on Guru  [Viyazan]…. Raagam Ataana…. Thalam   TRISRA JAATHI THRIPUTA THALAM

6 Sri Sukra bhagavantham..  on Sukran…. Ragam  Paras     Thalam  KHANDA JAATH ATA THALAM

7  Divaakara Thanujam…on Saniswaran… Raagam Yedukula Kaamboji … Thalam  CHATURASRA EKA THALAM.

This completes the list of Thalas of Sapthathala Alankaras under discussion by going through the above list.
Since adhering to Sampradaya [tradition] is a prerequisite in learning fine arts , the above list is being followed with sanctity.

Regarding Raagu and Keethu Grahas Muthuswami dikshithar composed Krithis as below but the Thalaas has already been covered in the above list of Saptha thaala Alankaras

8  Smaraamyaham….on Raahu……   Raagam   Ramaa Manohari…… Thalam Rupakam

9 Mahasuram Kethumaham…..    on Kethu…….. Raagam  Saamaram …. Thalam  Rupakam.


It will be beneficial for Carnatic Music students to practice Saptha Thala Alankaras in the following Ragas and can try in  more Sampoorna Ragas as well:

1 Sahankarabaranam
2 Kalyani
3 Panthuvarali
4 Karaharapriya
5 Simhendramadyamam

Also, it will beneficial for Carnatic Music students to practice Saptha Thala Alankaras in the following Ragas  as well:

1 Mohnam
2 Sudda Saveri

While practicing Alankaras in various Ragas, care must be taken that the Swaras are to be rendered with appropriate Gamakas and other decorating Angas , so that the respective Ragaswaroopas are highlighted. 

 There is another practice of learning  Alankaras in ascending order of the Akshara kalas.

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